Monday, August 22, 2005

I think I have a visa!?

I realized that in 2 weeks, I had spent 5 days trying to get the my visa renewed and gather all the required paperwork. I was beginning to be a little nervous considering that it expired on the 19th. I had visions of me trying to pack my house and move in a matter of days. But thankfully that was only a vain imagining. When I returned to the federal police last week, I went in and in 10 minutes they were finished. I was told to call in 2 months to check and see if the paperwork is back. So, that is why I think I have a visa. For now I am still legal.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Federale Frustrations

I returned this morning to the federal police with the stack of paperwork that they needed. Apparently not enough trees had been mamed in this process, so I returned home without a visa extension and a list of more documents they need. These are not difficult to obtain, but will require going before the church again. Thankfully business meeting is scheduled for Saturday night. My visa expires in exactly 1 week. I am finding it difficult to not worry, but again all God is telling me is that He is in control and that is all I need to know today.

The pack mule arrived!

OK, so maybe it didn't arrive by pack mule, but my biopsy results finally returned. The good news is I have no cancer. I did not think I had been worried, but when the doctor gave me the news I felt as if I let out a breath I had been holding since the middle of June. I will be taking hormones for the next 6 months to try and shrink the tumors and will then be re-evaluated. Thanks to all who have prayed for me.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Will I ever learn?

I have been in Brazil for almost a year. I should know by now to never be surprised by the unexpected. Maybe I will always be surprised, but am learning to pull myself out of the emotion tail spin before it escalates into a full blown nose dive.

I have had two of these experiences this week. First, I went on Monday to the Federal Police to extend my visa. I had been told on three previous occasions that it would be no problem. I needed to wait until right before the visa expired. When I arrived on Monday morning, I was told no it could not be done there. I would need to visit a consulate's office which is a 2 day bus ride away. The other two girls in the office pulled out the manual and showed the chief where it was clearly stated that it could be done. Finally, after 30 minutes of them discussing everything back and forth it was decided that yes they could renew the visa, but first I needed to provide them with all of the paperwork I had given them in the beginning. I am in the process of gathering the paperwork and hope to go back next week.

Secondly, I am still waiting in my biopsy results from the doctor. The biopsy was performed the end of June. I was told it would take 15 days to get the results back. I am still hopeful they will show up, but realize there is a very good chance that the pack mule has strayed off course between Sao Paulo and here and I might have to have the test again.

School began again this week, but I don't have classes again until next week. Tomorrow is the birthday of the city, so we must celebrate. I will enjoy a few more days of holiday before I must resume getting up before the chickens.